What happened next?

The lorry was unpacked in Susiec.


It was very moving to see everything being taken off the lorry and knowing that everything was needed and had been requested. Especially food and items for babies and children. In fact we heard that some items were taken immediately over the border into Ukraine to assist a hospital.

We hope that they found the beautiful messages and pictures drawn with love by the children who have been helping the project in Maidenhead. They wanted the Ukrainian children to know that they care about them.

Speaking to a Polish friend a few days ago, she said that we (in the UK) don’t understand how hard the refugee crisis is making life for ordinary Polish people. Or the people who live in any of the neighbouring countries. It can be difficult to get an appointment with a doctor, find certain medical supplies or be considered for housing – because there are so many Ukrainians needing help. The Polish people are being incredibly open and caring, because they understand the terrible situation for the refugees, but it’s tough for everyone. 

We know that what we are doing in Maidenhead cannot solve the crisis, but by sending specific, requested items we can relieve a tiny bit of pressure on the Polish people as well as directly helping the refugees.

 David Downing, our Minister explains what is happening next:

We have taken the decision to close the main hall for the next few months so that we can set it aside for what is going on. Some people have asked how long it might go on for – and in truth, we would love to know! But there is so much need, and we feel that this is a great way to serve God:

‘When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I am telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me.’

We will not ignore those caught up in such need now. It will disrupt certain things, but everyone is being understanding. Even the bags of donations in the sanctuary remind us that the work going on is worship, just as much as singing hymns.


Enterprise: Ukraine edition


Lorry left for Poland today!